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The 10 Hour Film School

How to Watch a Movie Like a Professional (And Get Paid To Do It)

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Want to Make a Living Writing About Movies?

There are so many content creators out there- video essayists, podcasters, bloggers, and more! Why do the vast majority of them struggle to build an audience?

Lack of Knowledge

A lot of people skip out on the fundamentals. They barely sound like they know what they're talking about.

The Wrong Focus

There's tens of thousands of tutorials out there on how to use Adobe Premiere, or Microsoft Word, or WordPress, but guides on how to draw meaningful insights from film? Those are hard to come by.

No Structure

Even those who actively try to improve at media criticism can quickly become lost without a structured system.

You Need A Strategy to Become a Master of Film

(That Actually Works)

And that's exactly what you've found. Three transformations you may see emerge after reading this book...

1. You Will Become a Film Expert!

Learning about movies should be something that anyone can do, without going out and attending some film school in California. After reading this book, you'll know not only how to watch movies critically, but also how to talk about them and make it sound like you know what you're talking about.

2. You Will Become a Criticism Machine!

Gone are the days of watching movies mindlessly. After reading this book, you'll be able to draw connections, generate theories, and craft insights about anything! Even beyond movies, including shows and books and plays- but definitely and foremost, movies!

3. You Will Have More Fun Watching Movies!

And isn't that the dream? After reading this book, you will see that film criticism is not some dusty old term, only useful in a classroom, but that it lets you gain a much deeper appreciation of the medium on the whole. It will make watching movies that much more enjoyable- and they were already pretty good before!

How this book will upgrade your mind

Three transformations emerge after reading this book...

1. You Will Become a Film Expert!

Learning about movies should be something that anyone can do, without going out and attending a film school in California. After reading this book, you'll know not only how to watch movies critically, but also how to talk about them and make it sound like you know what you're talking about.

2. You Will Become an Insight Machine!

Gone are the days of watching movies mindlessly. After reading this book, you'll be able to draw connections, and generate theories, and craft insights about anything! Even beyond movies, including shows and books and plays- but definitely and foremost, movies!

3. You Will Have More Fun Watching Movies!

And isn't that the dream? After reading this book, you will see that film criticism is not some dusty old term, only useful in a classroom, but that it lets you gain a much deeper appreciation of the medium on the whole. It will make watching movies that much more enjoyable- and they were already pretty good before!

A great resource
to learn about

Why Am I Giving The Book Away at Cost?

(No, it's not a gimmick.)

I am selling each book at the cost of printing, fulfillment, and shipping. That's it.


Because I have transcended all mortal needs and desires.

But no, honestly, there are two reasons I'm doing this.

Reason #1: Pretty much no one else is doing this like I am

Media criticism is a vital part of making a living off of movies, whether you're making a podcast or video essays or a blog or movies themselves.

So why are all the resources about how to use WordPress, or how to set up a YouTube channel, or how to edit a video? Those things can be really important, but they're only half of the battle.

Meanwhile, so many sources on how to really analyze a film are expensive film textbooks, some of which cost hundreds of dollars.

I don't want you to waste time or money. Instead, I want you to receive a valuable, accessible resource that will put you on the right path.

Reason #2: I want you to take a look at my other awesome stuff

It doesn't stop at this one book.

I have so many other things to offer, from my email list to my monthly newsletter to future books.

And I'm hoping that if you like this, you'll stick around, and together we'll form an awesome community of people who love to dissect movies.

Trust me. If you end up liking this book, you'll want to see what else I have for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your most asked questions...

Who is this book for?

Anyone who wants to get more out of watching movies will get value out of this book. For those new to the world of film, this book teaches terminology and how to look at movies critically. For everyone, including the most experienced cinephiles, this book contains a system to train yourself into an insight generating machine, making connections you never could have before.

Will this teach me how to start a YouTube Channel/Blog/etc?

No. There are so many resources out there to teach that! This is for the other half, which is just as important and yet so under-discussed. It is just as, if not more, vital than the technical know-how of getting yourself established. Setting up your medium can be Googled and learned in an hour- this book sets you down a path of learning that will last a lifetime.

When will the book arrive?

Shipping isn't an exact science, but we have a good idea.

Your book will be carefully packaged, and sent from Taylor, Michigan, USA. For U.S. customers, you can expect the book to arrive in 7-15 business days (could sooner, though). For International, you can expect the book to arrive in 10-22 business days (could be sooner as well!).

You will receive a tracking number via email immediately after your order. If you have any questions, please reach out to the support email located at the bottom of this webpage.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes. I believe in this book so strongly that if you're ultimately unsatisfied, you can send the book back within one-year of purchase and get a full refund. No questions asked. Just contact me via the support details at the bottom of this page. I'll share the return address and refund every penny once we receive the book.

About The Author

Meet The Person Bring Film Criticism to the Masses...

Patrick Westervelt Jr.

Patrick Westervelt Jr. is an avid fan of film (shocker, right?).

With his love for discussing movies the only thing surpassing his love of watching them, Patrick's goal is to make sure that media criticism isn't just talked about at expensive film schools, but rather, something accessible and fun that anyone can learn.

And after that, he hopes that more amazing movies and video essays and blogs will be created for him to enjoy!

Patrick Westervelt Jr.

Patrick Westervelt Jr. is an avid fan of film (shocker, right?).

With a love for both movies and an analysis of them, his goal is to make sure that media criticism isn't just talked about at expensive film schools, but rather, something accessible and fun that anyone can learn.

And after that, he hopes that more amazing movies and video essays and blogs will be created for him to enjoy!

My Bold Guarantee

I am so confident my book will make you a better film critic that⸺ if you're unsatisfied (for whatever reason)⸺you can send the book back within one year and receive a 100% refund.

No questions asked!

Just contact me via the support details at the bottom of this page. You will be given a return address to send the book back to. I will personally see to it that you are refunded every penny.

How's that for fair?